Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Plot Mountains and Photostory!
Check out some examples of Plot Mountain Photo Stories from Mr. Pane's students.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Using Podcasting to Increase Fluency
Mrs. Nypert's 3rd Grade class recently wrote and recorded stories they've written. As students listened to their recorded voices, Mrs. Nypert used this as an opportunity to work on fluency skills. Podbean.com, a free online podcast hosting site was used to allow these recordings to be shared and saved. Also using Audacity, each student in Mrs. Carpenter's 1st grade class was recorded reading a familiar book. While listening to themselves read during a special story hour (complete with hot cocoa!), students were able to hear how they can improve their expression and fluency.
Listen to these podcasts of the third and first grade at: http://awright3.podbean.com/
*Audacity files were first exported as a .wav file and then converted to a usable mp3 file using this free online, easy to use converter: http://download.cnet.com/WAV-to-MP3-Encoder/3000-2140_4-10060500.html
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Audacity and The Morning Meeting
Come sing along with these beautiful voices: http://awright3.podbean.com/
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Using Podcasts to Enhance Instruction
3M Podcast Episode 1
Monday, November 22, 2010
Using StoryJumper to Reinforce and Engage Learning