Mrs. Leonard's grade 4 students have been using the Educreations app and Edmodo to communicate mathematical concepts and articulate their learning. During their study of arrays, the class set out on an "array hunt". Using the iPad, students took photographs of different objects in and around the school that represent arrays. They had to defend whether or not their photo was in fact an array. This led the class to discover what attributes defined an array, fostering a deeper understanding of this mathematical concept. Next, students had to figure out how many objects were represented in the array and defended their reasoning by combining their oral explanation with digital annotations. They posted their work to their 4th grade Edmodo group. Check out the examples below to see how these young mathematicians use academic vocabulary and apply mathematics to real world situations.
This project is laying foundational math skills for CCSS NBT.B.5, NBT.B.6, MD.A.3. and engages students in the CCSS math practices MP3, MP4, MP6, MP7.
Want to learn more about using Educreations in the classroom? Check out this blog post by Matt Gomez (@mattBgomez) , Educreations 101 Video: Quick Intro to Basis of This App.
It was great to work with 4th grade during Art Enrichment honing in on observation and math skills. Students partnered in groups with Mrs. Leonard and Mrs. Moore to look for arrays and photograph them with iPads.